Friday, February 28, 2014

You should not be afraid

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline2 Timothy 1:7.

Fear dominates most people lives today. They are afraid of their present and are not sure of their future. Some are scared, because they lack finances, some are worried about their health, others about their children, yet others about their businesses. There are zillions of reasons for being scared. However, you should not be. If you want you can find the same number of reasons to rejoice as you find for being afraid.

God loves you and He does not want you to walk around trembling. He wants you to be happy and satisfied. God wants you to have inner peace and joy, not anxiety and fear. The scripture above clearly states that we have been given the spirit of power, love and self-discipline. Fear is not the quality of God and neither it should be of his children. People say:”Like father, like son”. If you are the son of God you should possess the same qualities He has. Fear is alien to our God and so should it be to us.

When next time fear comes just remember that you have the Father in Heaven and He cares after you. If He does that you have no reason to be afraid. Trust him and enjoy your daily life. 

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